Water Minimization is Easy With the Right Equipment

Choose a Shaker to Remove Sludge and Solids

If you need to remove dirt, rocks, or trash from water, a shaker is the best option. A shaker is similar to a conveyor belt with small holes but a shaker uses a screen similar to a screen used on a window to keep bugs out. The solid material along with the water is run across the screen. As the material passes across the screen the water is able to drop through the holes and collect in a container below. With this process the waste, dirt, or trash is removed and the water is easier to dispose of. This provides an environmental solution for many companies including garbage companies, oil companies, and manufacturers.

Spin it Out with A centrifuge

A centrifuge is a closed container that spins at very fast speeds to eliminate water or liquids from a solid mass. Many solid materials can be placed inside. Once the centrifuge begins to spin the water is passed through small holes in the tumbler and collected below the machine. This water minimization technique can be used for removing water from sludge or mud. However, this can also be used to remove other types of liquids like oil and chemicals from solid masses. This process helps to remove contaminates that can become a hazard if left in the environment. A centrifuge can be purchased or rented in a variety of sizes to accommodate the size of the job that needs to be completed.

Storage Options need to Be Considered

In order to transport the solid material from the manufacturing plant or lagoon it has to be moved to the equipment. This can be done with the use of large mud tanks or barrels often called frag tanks. Most companies that provide water minimization will also have storage equipment available. The storage option you choose will be dependent on the size of the job you need to complete. For large manufacturing plants a large tanker usually around 500 barrels of storage may be needed while smaller companies can usually work with barrels.


Shanghai Qilee Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a innovation in environmental technology, environmental protection products integrated supply and related technical services as one integrated, high-tech environmental protection enterprises. Qilee Li-environmental implementation of "specialization, scale, internationalization" of the enterprise development strategies, high-tech as a guide, relying on "mode, technology, capital, mechanisms, human resources, culture," such as six superior resources, and strive to create "environmental protection equipmentThe first brand "image.


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